Proto 3 : Size matters !

This prototype is an attemp to more be realistic , a I have realised that everything which is behind a block (compared to the atmosphere) is actually inside  it ! And it did not make sense to have a 10 000T block inside a 10 T cabin...

So I have tried some rules : A block can stick to another, only if it smallest side is smaller to the biggest of every block between it and the atmosphere. (I'll let you think of it ;-) ) It fells more realistic to me. However it is probably way too complicated and not visual enough !

Also, I am afraid that adds to much constraint to the construction and makes it is less fun... (and probably less fun than proto 2). But we will have to try !

The heat transfer formula has been changed too, and block caracteristics scale with their size.

This is the 3rd prototype in the "Jupiter Dive" series.  Check all prototypes

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JupiterDive_Proto3 3.1 MB
Oct 27, 2023

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